Notes 2025 03 17 Eigen macro specializations crashes14 Getting precise timings out of RS-232 output05 Shop scheduling with PuLP 02 18 When are the days getting longer the fastest? 2024 11 30 Strava track filtering validation 09 08 GNU Make: details regarding intermediate files 07 02 vnlog.slurp() with non-numerical data 01 25 mrcal 2.4 released! 2023 12 07 roslaunch and =LD_PRELOAD= 10 26 Talking to ROS from outside a LAN 05 05 mrcal 2.3 released! 04 20 =numpy.percentile= API update 03 13 Debian at SCaLE 20x 2022 10 17 gnuplot output in an FLTK widget04 mrcal 2.2 released 06 28 vnlog 1.33 released16 Ricoh GR IIIx 802.11 reverse engineering 2021 11 28 GL_image_display08 mrcal 2.0: triangulation and stereo 03 13 Making the Supernova E3 tail light brighter 02 28 mrcal: principled camera calibrations27 horizonator: terrain renderer based on SRTM DEMs22 feedgnuplot: labelled bar charts and a guide 2020 07 29 An awk corner case?23 Finding long runs of "notable" data in a log18 Converting images while extracting a tarball16 Visualizing a broken internet connection 06 20 OpenCV C API transition. A rant.02 vnlog now functional on *BSD and OSX 05 04 Redirection and /dev/stderr 03 22 org-babel for documentation15 numpysane and broadcasting in C 2019 12 21 vnl-uniq16 C++ probes with perf03 tee is broken? 11 28 python-gnuplotlib knows about multiplots 09 07 Are planes crashing any less than they used to? 01 06 Where are all these crashes coming from? 2018 12 31 Keeping C OpenCV applications building 10 23 Manpages and READMEs07 Generating manpages from python and argparse 09 29 Self-plotting output from feedgnuplot and python-gnuplotlib26 A nice oneliner 08 03 UNIX curiosities 05 21 More Vnlog demos 02 24 Vnlog integration with feedgnuplot18 Vnlog! 2017 12 18 Some new free-software bugs 11 14 Python extension modules without setuptools or distutils 09 25 Pole of road inaccessibility of the contiguous US05 osmgnuplot update: correct plots over a large geographical area 08 11 clockfunction: a non-sampling "profiler" 07 23 Interfacing numpy and C: an example 05 20 Another gcc bug: undetected use of unitialized memory12 rr in a chroot 04 18 C++ is weird and full of pitfalls 03 31 RPM distros and debug-symbol package dependencies 02 24 Interfacing rr to gdb in GNU Emacs02 Detecting missing DT_NEEDED tags 2016 11 13 Using DWARF to find and save all state in a C library 10 08 Simple ASCII parsing: performance comparisons 05 17 numpysane: a more reasonable numpy 04 08 glibc malloc inefficiency 03 24 Perf misreporting of user-space function arguments09 Mapping new keys to a modifier with xmodmap 2015 10 13 gnuplotlib and broadcasting in numpy05 Memory leak debugging tools01 Debugging GNU Emacs memory leaks (part 2) 09 19 Debugging GNU Emacs memory leaks (part 1)18 Bike headlight circuit. Again05 A Kernel Debugging Story 08 16 Least convenient location in Los Angeles (from Koreatown)13 Rendering OpenStreetMap tiles in gnuplot01 Validating a CRC computation on an AVR 07 02 Gnuplot for numpy. For real this time 05 06 Poles of Inaccessibility in the San Gabriel Mountains03 Steepest streets in Los Angeles 04 03 Linux tracepoints for 32-bit code on a 64-bit kernel 03 14 Bike headlight circuit continued 02 20 Bike headlight circuitry 01 31 Gnuplot for numpy28 User-space introspection with Linux perf01 Word-oriented navigation in emacs-lisp 2014 12 12 Mu4e and desktop notifications 10 08 ZNC and ERC01 Org-mode for invoices 07 25 Decoding P25 with RTL-SDR on Debian20 Debian cross-gcc snapshot packages17 Closures and cookies in C10 Reading DWARF prototypes in ltrace (part 2) 06 25 Ltrace filtering details23 Tab completion for sysdig07 Emacs-snapshot package hosting 05 01 Even better notifications 04 20 More Cscope benchmarks16 Argument alignment in Linux system calls14 Reading DWARF prototypes in ltrace07 Running qemu with a custom kernel on ARM 03 30 GNU Global benchmarks25 Cscope benchmarks20 Already-running process notifications19 X11 urgency hint and notifications18 Using DEMs to get GPX elevation profiles17 First post