We're way past the winter solstice, and approaching the equinox. The sun is noticeably staying up later and later every day, which raises an obvious question: when are the days getting longer the fastest? Intuitively I want to say it should happen at the equinox. But does it happen exactly at the equinox? I could read up on all the gory details of this, or I could just make some plots. I wrote this:


import sys
import datetime
import astral.sun

lat  = 34.
year = 2025

city = astral.LocationInfo(latitude=lat, longitude=0)

date0 = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1)

print("# date sunrise sunset length_min")

for i in range(365):
    date = date0 + datetime.timedelta(days=i)

    s = astral.sun.sun(city.observer, date=date)

    date_sunrise = s['sunrise']
    date_sunset  = s['sunset']

    date_string    = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    sunrise_string = date_sunrise.strftime('%H:%M')
    sunset_string  = date_sunset.strftime ('%H:%M')

    print(f"{date_string} {sunrise_string} {sunset_string} {(date_sunset-date_sunrise).total_seconds()/60}")

This computes the sunrise and sunset time every day of 2025 at a latitude of 34degrees (i.e. Los Angeles), and writes out a log file (using the vnlog format).

Let's plot it:

< sunrise-sunset.vnl                   \
  vnl-filter -p date,l='length_min/60' \
| feedgnuplot                          \
  --set 'format x "%b %d"'             \
  --domain                             \
  --timefmt '%Y-%m-%d'                 \
  --lines                              \
  --ylabel 'Day length (hours)'        \
  --hardcopy day-length.svg


Well that makes sense. When are the days the longest/shortest?

$ < sunrise-sunset.vnl vnl-sort -grk length_min | head -n2 | vnl-align

#  date    sunrise sunset     length_min   
2025-06-21 04:49   19:14  864.8543702000001

$ < sunrise-sunset.vnl vnl-sort -gk length_min | head -n2 | vnl-align

#  date    sunrise sunset     length_min   
2025-12-21 07:01   16:54  592.8354265166668

Those are the solstices, as expected. Now let's look at the time gained/lost each day:

$ < sunrise-sunset.vnl                                  \
  vnl-filter -p date,d='diff(length_min)'               \
| vnl-filter --has d                                    \
| feedgnuplot                                           \
  --set 'format x "%b %d"'                              \
  --domain                                              \
  --timefmt '%Y-%m-%d'                                  \
  --lines                                               \
  --ylabel 'Daytime gained from the previous day (min)' \
  --hardcopy gain.svg


Looks vaguely sinusoidal, like the last plot. And looks like we gain/lost as most ~2 minutes each day. When does the gain peak?

$ < sunrise-sunset.vnl vnl-filter -p date,d='diff(length_min)' | vnl-filter --has d | vnl-sort -grk d | head -n2 | vnl-align

#  date       d   
2025-03-19 2.13167

$ < sunrise-sunset.vnl vnl-filter -p date,d='diff(length_min)' | vnl-filter --has d | vnl-sort -gk d | head -n2 | vnl-align

#  date        d   
2025-09-25 -2.09886

Not at the equinoxes! The fastest gain is a few days before the equinox and the fastest loss a few days after.