So I just gave a talk at SCaLE 18x about numpysane and gnuplotlib, two libraries I wrote to make using numpy bearable. With these two, it's actually quite nice!

Prior to the talk I overhauled the documentation for both these projects. The gnuplotlib docs now have a tutorial/gallery page, which is interesting-enough to write about. Check it out! Mostly it is a sequence of

  • Here's a bit of Python code
  • And here's the plot you get if you run that code

Clearly you want the plots in the documentation to correspond to the code, so you want something to actually run each code snippet to produce each plot. Automatically. I don't want to maintain these manually, and periodically discover that the code doesn't make the plot I claim it does or worse: that the code barfs. This is vaguely what Jupyter notebooks do, but they're ridiculous, so I'm doing something better:

  • The documentation page is a plain-text org-mode file. org is a magical Emacs mode; if you've never heard of it, stop everything and go check it out
  • This org file has a sequence of org-babel snippets. org-babel is a way to include snippets from various languages into org documents. Here I'm using Python, obviously
  • I have org evaluate each snippet to produce the resulting figure, as an .svg
  • I commit this .org file and the .svg plots, and push them to the git repo

That's it. The git repo is hosted by github, which has a rudimentary renderer for .org documents. I'm committing the .svg files, so that's enough to get rendered documentation that looks nice. Note that the usual workflow is to use org to export to html, but here I'm outsourcing that job to github; I just make the .svg files, and that's enough.

Look at the link again: gnuplotlib tutorial/gallery. This is just a .org file committed to the git repo. github is doing its normal org->html thing to display this file. This has drawbacks too: github is ignoring the :noexport: tag on the init section at the end of the file, so it's actually showing all the emacs lisp goop that makes this work (described below!). It's at the end, so I guess this is good-enough.

Those of us that use org-mode would be completely unsurprised to hear that the talk is also written as .org document. And the slides that show gnuplotlib plots use the same org-babel system to render the plots.

It's all oh-so-nice. As with anything as flexible as org-babel, it's easy to get into a situation where you're bending it to serve a not-quite-intended purpose. But since this all lives in emacs, you can make it do whatever you want with a bit of emacs lisp.

I ended up advising a few things (mailing list post here). And I stumbled on an (arguable) bug in emacs that needed working around (mailing list post here). I'll summarize both here.

Handling large Local Variables blocks

The advises I ended up with ended up longer than emacs expected, which made emacs not evaluate them when loading the buffer. As I discovered (see the mailing list post) the loading code looks for the string Local Variables in the last 3000 bytes of the buffer only, and I exceeded that. Stefan Monnier suggested a workaround in this post. Instead of the normal Local Variables block at the end:

Local Variables:
eval: (progn ... ...
             ... ...
             LONG chunk of emacs-lisp

I do this:

(progn ;;local-config
   lisp lisp lisp
   as long as I want

Local Variables:
eval: (progn (re-search-backward "^(progn ;;local-config") (eval (read (current-buffer))))

So emacs sees a small chunk of code that searches backwards through the buffer (as far back as needed) for the real lisp to evaluate. As an aside, this blog is also an .org document, and the lisp snippets above are org-babel blocks that I'm not evaluating. The exporter knows to respect the emacs-lisp syntax highlighting, however.


OK, so what was all the stuff I needed to tell org-babel to do specially here?

First off, org needed to be able to communicate to the Python session the name of the file to write the plot to. I do this by making the whole plist for this org-babel snippet available to python:

;; THIS advice makes all the org-babel parameters available to python in the
;; _org_babel_params dict. I care about _org_babel_params['_file'] specifically,
;; but everything is available
(defun dima-org-babel-python-var-to-python (var)
  "Convert an elisp value to a python variable.
  Like the original, but supports (a . b) cells and symbols
  (if (listp var)
      (if (listp (cdr var))
          (concat "[" (mapconcat #'org-babel-python-var-to-python var ", ") "]")
        (format "\"\"\"%s\"\"\"" var))
    (if (symbolp var)
        (format "\"\"\"%s\"\"\"" var)
      (if (eq var 'hline)
         (if (and (stringp var) (string-match "[\n\r]" var)) "\"\"%S\"\"" "%S")
         (if (stringp var) (substring-no-properties var) var))))))
(defun dima-alist-to-python-dict (alist)
  "Generates a string defining a python dict from the given alist"
  (let ((keyvalue-list
         (mapcar (lambda (x)
                   (format "%s = %s, "
                            "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" "_"
                            (symbol-name (car x)))
                           (dima-org-babel-python-var-to-python (cdr x))))
     "dict( "
     (apply 'concat keyvalue-list)
(defun dima-org-babel-python-pass-all-params (f params)
    "_org_babel_params = "
    (dima-alist-to-python-dict params))
   (funcall f params)))
   :around #'dima-org-babel-python-pass-all-params))

So if there's a :file plist key, the python code can grab that, and write the plot to that filename. But I don't really want to specify an output file for every single org-babel snippet. All I really care about is that each plot gets a unique filename. So I omit the :file key entirely, and use this advice to generate one for me:

;; This sets a default :file tag, set to a unique filename. I want each demo to
;; produce an image, but I don't care what it is called. I omit the :file tag
;; completely, and this advice takes care of it
(defun dima-org-babel-python-unique-plot-filename
    (f &optional arg info params)
  (funcall f arg info
           (cons (cons ':file
                       (format "guide-%d.svg"
                               (condition-case nil
                                   (setq dima-unique-plot-number (1+ dima-unique-plot-number))
                                 (error (setq dima-unique-plot-number 0)))))
   :around #'dima-org-babel-python-unique-plot-filename))

This uses the dima-unique-plot-number integer to keep track of each plot. I increment this with each plot. Getting closer. It isn't strictly required, but it'd be nice if each plot had the same output filename each time I generated it. So I want to reset the plot number to 0 each time:

;; If I'm regenerating ALL the plots, I start counting the plots from 0
(defun dima-reset-unique-plot-number
    (&rest args)
    (setq dima-unique-plot-number 0))
   :after #'dima-reset-unique-plot-number))

Finally, I want to lie to the user a little bit. The code I'm actually executing writes each plot to an .svg. But the code I'd like the user to see should use the default output: an interactive, graphical window. I do that by tweaking the python session to tell the gnuplotlib object to write to .svg files from org by default, instead of using the graphical terminal:

;; I'm using github to display, so I'm not using the "normal" org
;; exporter. I want the demo text to not contain the hardcopy= tags, but clearly
;; I need the hardcopy tag when generating the plots. I add some python to
;; override gnuplotlib.plot() to add the hardcopy tag somewhere where the reader
;; won't see it. But where to put this python override code? If I put it into an
;; org-babel block, it will be rendered, and the :export tags will be ignored,
;; since github doesn't respect those (probably). So I put the extra stuff into
;; an advice. Whew.
(defun dima-org-babel-python-set-demo-output (f body params)
    (insert body)
    (when (search-forward "import gnuplotlib as gp" nil t)
       "if not hasattr(gp.gnuplotlib, 'orig_init'):\n"
       "    gp.gnuplotlib.orig_init = gp.gnuplotlib.__init__\n"
       "gp.gnuplotlib.__init__ = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: gp.gnuplotlib.orig_init(self, *args, hardcopy=_org_babel_params['_file'] if 'file' in _org_babel_params['_result_params'] else None, **kwargs)\n"))
    (setq body (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
  (funcall f body params))

   :around #'dima-org-babel-python-set-demo-output))

And that's it. The advises in the talk are slightly different, in uninteresting ways. Some of this should be upstreamed to org-babel somehow. Now entirely clear which part, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.