
Like many people I run my emacs as a long-running daemon. This allows for the clients to start quickly, and for state to be preserved as long as the emacs daemon is running. This works great. However, in the last year or so I've had a very rough time doing this: something in emacs leaks memory, eats all the RAM on my machine and at best I have to kill emacs, or at worst restart my whole machine, since "swapping" can make it unresponsive. It's quite difficult to debug this, since it's not obvious when memory is leaking in a long-running process. On top of that, emacs is a lisp vm with its own GC, so it's not even completely clear when the free happens, or if the memory is then returned to the OS or not. To make it even worse, I couldn't create a reproducible test case that would reliably leak memory quickly. If such a test existed, one could then attempt to debug. It was only clear that during normal use memory consumption would steadily increase. I asked on the emacs-devel mailing list a while back without any obvious results:


A leak plugged

Many months later I finally figured out how to make it leak on command, and the results are described below and on the mailing list:


Apparently starting up a daemon and then repeatedly creating/destroying a client frame made the memory use consistently climb. The following zsh snippet tickles this bug:

$ emacs --daemon

$ while true; do
    for i in `seq 10`; do
      timeout 5 emacsclient -a '' -c & ;
    sleep 10;

The memory use could be monitored with this bit of zsh:

$ while true; do
    ps -h -p `pidof emacs` -O rss; sleep 1;

The leak was visible both with emacs -Q (don't load any user configuration) and with emacs (load my full configuration), but the leak was much more pronounced if my configuration was loaded. I then bisected my configuration to find the bit that was causing the leak, and I found it: winner-mode.

Apparently winner-mode keeps a list of all active frames, but it doesn't clean dead frames off of this list. In a long-running daemon workflow frames are created and destroyed all the time, so this list ends up keeping references to data structures that are no longer active. This in turn prevents the GC from cleaning up the associated memory. A simple patch to winner-mode fixes this, and we can clearly see the results:


So I fixed a memory leak. It's not obvious that this is the memory leak that I'm feeling most. And clearly there are other leaks, since the memory consumption is growing even with no configuration loaded at all. Still, we're on our way.