After years of seeing people's strava tracks, I became convinced that strava doesn't sufficiently filter the data, resulting in over-estimated effort numbers. Today I did a bit of lazy analysis, and half-confirmed this: in the one case I looked at, strava reported reasonable elevation gain numbers, but greatly overestimated the distance traveled.
I looked at a single gps track of a long bike ride. This was uploaded to strava
manually, as a .gpx
file. I can imagine that something different happens if
you use the strava app or some device that integrates with the service: the
filtering might happen before the data hits the server, and the server could
then decide to not apply any additional filtering.
I processed the data with a simple hysteretic filter, ignoring small changes in position and elevation, trying out different thresholds in the process. I completely ignore the timestamps, and only look at the differences between successive points. This handles the usual GPS noise; it does not handle GPS jumps, which I completely ignore in this analysis. Ignoring these would produce inflated elevation/gain numbers, but I'm working with a looong track, so hopefully this is a small effect.
Clearly this is not scientific, but it's something.
The code
Parsing .gpx
is slow (this is a big file), so I cache that into a .vnl
import sys import gpxpy filename_in = 'INPUT.gpx' filename_out = 'OUTPUT.gpx' with open(filename_in, 'r') as f: gpx = gpxpy.parse(f) f_out = open(filename_out, 'w') tracks = gpx.tracks if len(tracks) != 1: print("I want just one track", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) track = tracks[0] segments = track.segments if len(segments) != 1: print("I want just one segment", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) segment = segments[0] time0 = segment.points[0].time print("# time lat lon ele_m") for p in segment.points: print(f"{(p.time - time0).seconds} {p.latitude} {p.longitude} {p.elevation}", file = f_out)
And I then process this data with the different filters (this is a silly Python loop, and is slow):
#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import numpy as np import numpysane as nps import gnuplotlib as gp import vnlog import pyproj geod = None def dist_ft(lat0,lon0, lat1,lon1): global geod if geod is None: geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') return \ geod.inv(lon0,lat0, lon1,lat1)[2] * 100./2.54/12. f = 'OUTPUT.gpx' track,list_keys,dict_key_index = \ vnlog.slurp(f) t = track[:,dict_key_index['time' ]] lat = track[:,dict_key_index['lat' ]] lon = track[:,dict_key_index['lon' ]] ele_ft = track[:,dict_key_index['ele_m']] * 100./2.54/12. @nps.broadcast_define( ( (), ()), (2,)) def filter_track(ele_hysteresis_ft, dxy_hysteresis_ft): dist = 0.0 ele_gain_ft = 0.0 lon_accepted = None lat_accepted = None ele_accepted = None for i in range(len(lat)): if ele_accepted is not None: dxy_here = dist_ft(lat_accepted,lon_accepted, lat[i],lon[i]) dele_here = np.abs( ele_ft[i] - ele_accepted ) if dxy_here < dxy_hysteresis_ft and dele_here < ele_hysteresis_ft: continue if ele_ft[i] > ele_accepted: ele_gain_ft += dele_here; dist += np.sqrt(dele_here * dele_here + dxy_here * dxy_here) lon_accepted = lon[i] lat_accepted = lat[i] ele_accepted = ele_ft[i] # lose the last point. It simply doesn't matter dist_mi = dist / 5280. return np.array((ele_gain_ft, dist_mi)) Nele_hysteresis_ft = 20 ele_hysteresis0_ft = 5 ele_hysteresis1_ft = 100 ele_hysteresis_ft_all = np.linspace(ele_hysteresis0_ft, ele_hysteresis1_ft, Nele_hysteresis_ft) Ndxy_hysteresis_ft = 20 dxy_hysteresis0_ft = 5 dxy_hysteresis1_ft = 1000 dxy_hysteresis_ft = np.linspace(dxy_hysteresis0_ft, dxy_hysteresis1_ft, Ndxy_hysteresis_ft) # shape (Nele,Ndxy,2) gain,distance = \ filter_track( nps.dummy(ele_hysteresis_ft_all,-1), dxy_hysteresis_ft), -1,0 ) # Stolen from mrcal def options_heatmap_with_contours( plotoptions, # we update this on output *, contour_min = 0, contour_max, contour_increment = None, do_contours = True, contour_labels_styles = 'boxed', contour_labels_font = None): r'''Update plotoptions, return curveoptions for a contoured heat map''' gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'set', ('view equal xy', 'view map')) if do_contours: if contour_increment is None: # Compute a "nice" contour increment. I pick a round number that gives # me a reasonable number of contours Nwant = 10 increment = (contour_max - contour_min)/Nwant # I find the nearest 1eX or 2eX or 5eX base10_floor = np.power(10., np.floor(np.log10(increment))) # Look through the options, and pick the best one m = np.array((1., 2., 5., 10.)) err = np.abs(m * base10_floor - increment) contour_increment = -m[ np.argmin(err) ] * base10_floor gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'set', ('key box opaque', 'style textbox opaque', 'contour base', f'cntrparam levels incremental {contour_max},{contour_increment},{contour_min}')) if contour_labels_font is not None: gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'set', f'cntrlabel format "%d" font "{contour_labels_font}"' ) else: gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'set', f'cntrlabel format "%.0f"' ) plotoptions['cbrange'] = [contour_min, contour_max] # I plot 3 times: # - to make the heat map # - to make the contours # - to make the contour labels _with = np.array(('image', 'lines nosurface', f'labels {contour_labels_styles} nosurface')) else: gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'unset', 'key') _with = 'image' using = \ f'({dxy_hysteresis0_ft}+$1*{float(dxy_hysteresis1_ft-dxy_hysteresis0_ft)/(Ndxy_hysteresis_ft-1)}):' + \ f'({ele_hysteresis0_ft}+$2*{float(ele_hysteresis1_ft-ele_hysteresis0_ft)/(Nele_hysteresis_ft-1)}):3' plotoptions['_3d'] = True plotoptions['_xrange'] = [dxy_hysteresis0_ft,dxy_hysteresis1_ft] plotoptions['_yrange'] = [ele_hysteresis0_ft,ele_hysteresis1_ft] plotoptions['ascii'] = True # needed for using to work gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'unset', 'grid') return \ dict( tuplesize=3, legend = "", # needed to force contour labels using = using, _with=_with) contour_granularity = 1000 plotoptions = dict() curveoptions = \ options_heatmap_with_contours( plotoptions, # we update this on output # round down to the nearest contour_granularity contour_min = (np.min(gain) // contour_granularity)*contour_granularity, # round up to the nearest contour_granularity contour_max = ((np.max(gain) + (contour_granularity-1)) // contour_granularity) * contour_granularity, do_contours = True) gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'unset', 'key') gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'set', 'size square') gp.plot(gain, xlabel = "Distance hysteresis (ft)", ylabel = "Elevation hysteresis (ft)", cblabel = "Elevation gain (ft)", wait = True, **curveoptions, **plotoptions, title = 'Computed gain vs filtering parameters') contour_granularity = 10 plotoptions = dict() curveoptions = \ options_heatmap_with_contours( plotoptions, # we update this on output # round down to the nearest contour_granularity contour_min = (np.min(distance) // contour_granularity)*contour_granularity, # round up to the nearest contour_granularity contour_max = ((np.max(distance) + (contour_granularity-1)) // contour_granularity) * contour_granularity, do_contours = True) gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'unset', 'key') gp.add_plot_option(plotoptions, 'set', 'size square') gp.plot(distance, xlabel = "Distance hysteresis (ft)", ylabel = "Elevation hysteresis (ft)", cblabel = "Distance (miles)", wait = True, **curveoptions, **plotoptions, title = 'Computed distance vs filtering parameters')
Results: gain
Strava says the gain was 46307ft. The analysis says:
These show the filtered gain for different values of the distance and gain hysteresis thresholds. The same data is shown at diffent zoom levels. There's no clear sweet spot, but we get 46307ft with a reasonable amount of filtering. Maybe 46307ft is a bit low even.
Results: distance
Strava says the distance covered was 322 miles. The analysis says:
Once again, there's no sweet spot, but we get 322 miles only if we apply no filtering at all. That's clearly too high, and is not reasonable. From the map (and from other people's strava routes) the true distance is closer to 305 miles. Why those people's strava numbers are more believable is anybody's guess.