I just went through a debugging exercise that was so ridiculous, I just had to write it up. Some of this probably should go into a bug report instead of a rant, but I'm tired. And clearly I don't care anymore.

OK, so I'm doing computer vision work. OpenCV has been providing basic functions in this area, so I have been using them for a while. Just for really, really basic stuff, like projection. The C API was kinda weird, and their error handling is a bit ridiculous (if you give it arguments it doesn't like, it asserts!), but it has been working fine for a while.

At some point (around OpenCV 3.0) somebody over there decided that they didn't like their C API, and that this was now a C++ library. Except the docs still documented the C API, and the website said it supported C, and the code wasn't actually removed. They just kinda stopped testing it and thinking about it. So it would mostly continue to work, except some poor saps would see weird failures; like this and this, for instance. OpenCV 3.2 was the last version where it was mostly possible to keep using the old C code, even when compiling without optimizations. So I was doing that for years.

So now, in 2020, Debian is finally shipping a version of OpenCV that definitively does not work with the old code, so I had to do something. Over time I stopped using everything about OpenCV, except a few cvProjectPoints2() calls. So I decided to just write a small C++ shim to call the new version of that function, expose that with =extern "C"= to the rest of my world, and I'd be done. And normally I would be, but this is OpenCV we're talking about. I wrote the shim, and it didn't work. The code built and ran, but the results were wrong. After some pointless debugging, I boiled the problem down to this test program:

#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    double fx = 1000.0;
    double fy = 1000.0;
    double cx = 1000.0;
    double cy = 1000.0;
    double _camera_matrix[] =
        { fx,  0, cx,
          0,  fy, cy,
          0,   0,  1 };
    cv::Mat camera_matrix(3,3, CV_64FC1, _camera_matrix);

    double pp[3] = {1., 2., 10.};
    double qq[2] = {444, 555};

    int N=1;
    cv::Mat object_points(N,3, CV_64FC1, pp);
    cv::Mat image_points (N,2, CV_64FC1, qq);

    // rvec,tvec
    double _zero3[3] = {};
    cv::Mat zero3(1,3,CV_64FC1, _zero3);

    cv::projectPoints( object_points,
                       cv::noArray(), 0.0);

    fprintf(stderr, "manually-projected no-distortion: %f %f\n",
            pp[0]/pp[2] * fx + cx,
            pp[1]/pp[2] * fy + cy);
    fprintf(stderr, "opencv says: %f %f\n", qq[0], qq[1]);

    return 0;

This is as trivial as it gets. I project one point through a pinhole camera, and print out the right answer (that I can easily compute, since this is trivial), and what OpenCV reports:

$ g++ -I/usr/include/opencv4 -o tst tst.cc -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_core && ./tst

manually-projected no-distortion: 1100.000000 1200.000000
opencv says: 444.000000 555.000000

Well that's no good. The answer is wrong, but it looks like it didn't even write anything into the output array. Since this is supposed to be a thin shim to C code, I want this thing to be filling in C arrays, which is what I'm doing here:

double qq[2] = {444, 555};
int N=1;
cv::Mat image_points (N,2, CV_64FC1, qq);

This is how the C API has worked forever, and their C++ API works the same way, I thought. Nothing barfed, not at build time, or run time. Fine. So I went to figure this out. In the true spirit of C++, the new API is inscrutable. I'm passing in cv::Mat, but the API wants cv::InputArray for some arguments and cv::OutputArray for others. Clearly cv::Mat can be coerced into either of those types (and that's what you're supposed to do), but the details are not meant to be understood. You can read the snazzy C++-style documentation. Clicking on "OutputArray" in the doxygen gets you here. Then I guess you're supposed to click on "_OutputArray", and you get here. Understand what's going on now? Me neither.

Stepping through the code revealed the problem. cv::projectPoints() looks like this:

void cv::projectPoints( InputArray _opoints,
                        InputArray _rvec,
                        InputArray _tvec,
                        InputArray _cameraMatrix,
                        InputArray _distCoeffs,
                        OutputArray _ipoints,
                        OutputArray _jacobian,
                        double aspectRatio )
    _ipoints.create(npoints, 1, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 2), -1, true);

I.e. they're allocating a new data buffer for the output, and giving it back to me via the OutputArray object. This object already had a buffer, and that's where I was expecting the output to go. Instead it went to the brand-new buffer I didn't want. Issues:

  • The OutputArray object knows it already has a buffer, and they could just use it instead of allocating a new one
  • If for some reason my buffer smells bad, they could complain to tell me they're ignoring it to save me the trouble of debugging, and then bitching about it on the internet
  • I think dynamic memory allocation smells bad
  • Doing it this way means the new function isn't a drop-in replacement for the old function

Well that's just super. I can call the C++ function, copy the data into the place it's supposed to go to, and then deallocate the extra buffer. Or I can pull out the meat of the function I want into my project, and then I can drop the OpenCV dependency entirely. Clearly that's the way to go.

So I go poking back into their code to grab what I need, and here's what I see:

static void cvProjectPoints2Internal( const CvMat* objectPoints,
                  const CvMat* r_vec,
                  const CvMat* t_vec,
                  const CvMat* A,
                  const CvMat* distCoeffs,
                  CvMat* imagePoints, CvMat* dpdr CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  CvMat* dpdt CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat* dpdf CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  CvMat* dpdc CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat* dpdk CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  CvMat* dpdo CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
                  double aspectRatio CV_DEFAULT(0) )

Looks familiar? It should. Because this is the original C-API function they replaced. So in their quest to move to C++, they left the original code intact, C API and everything, un-exposed it so you couldn't call it anymore, and made a new, shitty C++ wrapper for people to call instead. CvMat is still there. I have no words.

Yes, this is a massive library, and maybe other parts of it indeed did make some sort of non-token transition, but this thing is ridiculous. In the end, here's the function I ended up with (licensed as OpenCV; see the comment)

// The implementation of project_opencv is based on opencv. The sources have
// been heavily modified, but the opencv logic remains. This function is a
// cut-down cvProjectPoints2Internal() to keep only the functionality I want and
// to use my interfaces. Putting this here allows me to drop the C dependency on
// opencv. Which is a good thing, since opencv dropped their C API
// from opencv-4.2.0+dfsg/modules/calib3d/src/calibration.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
//   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
//     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
//   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
//     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
typedef union
        double x,y;
    double xy[2];
} point2_t;
typedef union
        double x,y,z;
    double xyz[3];
} point3_t;
void project_opencv( // outputs
                     point2_t* q,
                     point3_t* dq_dp,               // may be NULL
                     double* dq_dintrinsics_nocore, // may be NULL

                     // inputs
                     const point3_t* p,
                     int N,
                     const double* intrinsics,
                     int Nintrinsics)
    const double fx = intrinsics[0];
    const double fy = intrinsics[1];
    const double cx = intrinsics[2];
    const double cy = intrinsics[3];

    double k[12] = {};
    for(int i=0; i<Nintrinsics-4; i++)
        k[i] = intrinsics[i+4];

    for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        double z_recip = 1./p[i].z;
        double x = p[i].x * z_recip;
        double y = p[i].y * z_recip;

        double r2      = x*x + y*y;
        double r4      = r2*r2;
        double r6      = r4*r2;
        double a1      = 2*x*y;
        double a2      = r2 + 2*x*x;
        double a3      = r2 + 2*y*y;
        double cdist   = 1 + k[0]*r2 + k[1]*r4 + k[4]*r6;
        double icdist2 = 1./(1 + k[5]*r2 + k[6]*r4 + k[7]*r6);
        double xd      = x*cdist*icdist2 + k[2]*a1 + k[3]*a2 + k[8]*r2+k[9]*r4;
        double yd      = y*cdist*icdist2 + k[2]*a3 + k[3]*a1 + k[10]*r2+k[11]*r4;

        q[i].x = xd*fx + cx;
        q[i].y = yd*fy + cy;

        if( dq_dp )
            double dx_dp[] = { z_recip, 0,       -x*z_recip };
            double dy_dp[] = { 0,       z_recip, -y*z_recip };
            for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
                double dr2_dp = 2*x*dx_dp[j] + 2*y*dy_dp[j];
                double dcdist_dp = k[0]*dr2_dp + 2*k[1]*r2*dr2_dp + 3*k[4]*r4*dr2_dp;
                double dicdist2_dp = -icdist2*icdist2*(k[5]*dr2_dp + 2*k[6]*r2*dr2_dp + 3*k[7]*r4*dr2_dp);
                double da1_dp = 2*(x*dy_dp[j] + y*dx_dp[j]);
                double dmx_dp = (dx_dp[j]*cdist*icdist2 + x*dcdist_dp*icdist2 + x*cdist*dicdist2_dp +
                                k[2]*da1_dp + k[3]*(dr2_dp + 4*x*dx_dp[j]) + k[8]*dr2_dp + 2*r2*k[9]*dr2_dp);
                double dmy_dp = (dy_dp[j]*cdist*icdist2 + y*dcdist_dp*icdist2 + y*cdist*dicdist2_dp +
                                k[2]*(dr2_dp + 4*y*dy_dp[j]) + k[3]*da1_dp + k[10]*dr2_dp + 2*r2*k[11]*dr2_dp);
                dq_dp[i*2 + 0].xyz[j] = fx*dmx_dp;
                dq_dp[i*2 + 1].xyz[j] = fy*dmy_dp;
        if( dq_dintrinsics_nocore )
            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 0] = fx*x*icdist2*r2;
            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 0] = fy*(y*icdist2*r2);

            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 1] = fx*x*icdist2*r4;
            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 1] = fy*y*icdist2*r4;

            if( Nintrinsics-4 > 2 )
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 2] = fx*a1;
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 2] = fy*a3;
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 3] = fx*a2;
                dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 3] = fy*a1;
                if( Nintrinsics-4 > 4 )
                    dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 4] = fx*x*icdist2*r6;
                    dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 4] = fy*y*icdist2*r6;

                    if( Nintrinsics-4 > 5 )
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 5] = fx*x*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r2;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 5] = fy*y*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r2;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 6] = fx*x*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r4;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 6] = fy*y*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r4;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 7] = fx*x*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r6;
                        dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 7] = fy*y*cdist*(-icdist2)*icdist2*r6;
                        if( Nintrinsics-4 > 8 )
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 8] = fx*r2; //s1
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 8] = fy*0; //s1
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 9] = fx*r4; //s2
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 9] = fy*0; //s2
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 10] = fx*0;//s3
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 10] = fy*r2; //s3
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 0) + 11] = fx*0;//s4
                            dq_dintrinsics_nocore[(Nintrinsics-4)*(2*i + 1) + 11] = fy*r4; //s4

This does only the stuff I need: projection only (no geometric transformation), and gradients in respect to the point coordinates and distortions only. Gradients in respect to fxy and cxy are trivial, and I don't bother reporting them.

So now I don't compile or link against OpenCV, my code builds and runs on Debian/sid and (surprisingly) it runs much faster than before. Apparently there was a lot of pointless overhead happening.

Alright. Rant over.